Monday, May 12, 2008

Go Speed Racer?

Since alot of people seem to weighing in on this movie, I'll give my take. I thought it was good. I judge movies on a 'look at my watch scale', meaning whether it entertained me. Speed Racer had a typical story, with the usual plot points, but it was still fun. The visuals were impressive. Some call them meant for a 5 year old, but remember, it was based off a cartoon. It gave it a certain atmosphere. I would recommend seeing it, but I guess I am in the minority on that one.

After the movie, was fun. Got to hang out and play Guitar Hero till 4AM...always good times. The rest of the weekend was uneventful. Mother's day I worked, and my parents did something. So today I took my mom out for lunch. Other than that, not too much exciting happened in Mike land.

1 comment:

Wiwille said...

You're a brave man for even going to see that.